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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Batch Simulator

This is the Batch simulator

  • pumps 1 and 2 fill a tank and pump 3 empties the tank 
  • Hi and low level switches turn pumps on and off
  • when the tank gets full it automatically turns pumps 1 and 2 off and runs pump 3 to empty the tank
  • When pump 1, 2, or 3 runs the Run Light turns on
  • when the process is idle at any moment the Idle lite turns on 
  • When the run light is engergized the idle lite turns off (that is when any of the pumps are running)
  • Pump 1 and 2 pump at the same time
  • The Bit is not a load, but something internal within the PLCs memory. In this case when pump 1 turns on the bit instruction is true making pump 2 true and running
  • Rung 005 is for the full lite, but in this program the full light only lasts for just a moment since when the tank is full it automatically empties by running pump 3

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