noun: collaboration; plural noun: collaborations

the action of working with someone to produce or create something.

(Or in this case help each other)

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Motor Controls

Remember the Green parts on the board represent Grounding and ALL should be connected to ground![including the motor]
the green wire means: I don't want to die!
Start Stop Station for a motor only going in one direction (forward)
click this for a closer view 
[ the connection from the control transformer exits X1 and continues to connect in series with the red stop button ]

 Click this for a closer view
Here is an electrical interlock that prevents forward and reverse from energizing at the same time.

Note: In the electrical Interlock Notice the reversing contactor station. L1, L2, & L3 Is the same for reverse as it is for forward except exiting the Reverse Contactor T1 reverse connects to T3 Forward, T2 Reverse to T2 Forward, and T3 Reverse to T1 Forward.
(switching any 2 of these will reverse the polarity and cause the motor to run in the reverse direction.)

Practice/ Learn terms Final 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Flow and Final Control Elements

 practice quiz

Flow Measurement Presentation

Control Valves Presentation

Identify the: Plug, Seat Ring, Spring-loaded PTFE V-ring packing, Diaphragm & stem Shown in up Position, Actuator Spring, Actuator Stem, Stem Connector, Yoke, Travel Indicator Disk, Indicator Scale (Answer)