noun: collaboration; plural noun: collaborations

the action of working with someone to produce or create something.

(Or in this case help each other)

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Thermistor- Small enough to fit on a dime this is a special kind of semiconductor changes electrical resistance with temperature changes.
 With increased sensitivity it detects small temperature changes more than an RTD can.

Sensitivity- a device's ability to detect changes in a variable.
The more resolution a device has within a variable range the more that the change in the variable can be detected.

Thermocouple- an arrangement of 2 dissimilar metals in the form of wires joined together at both ends. It detects temperature by generating an electrical voltage.

The difference in voltage measurement of the variable or hot junction to that of the reference or cold junction determines a voltage from which a corresponding known temperature can be found on a chart specifically for that said thermocouple. If millivoltage is between 2 reference temperatures a
calculation*  is performed to determine the actual temperature

Calucation involves *Span Math to convert milivoltage to temperature

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