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Friday, October 25, 2013

Optical Instruments

 Optical Instruments
Chapter 3

1.    What is an absorption band?

2.    In an optical analyzer, what monitors, interprets, and displays the results?

3.    Does the value of the reference wavelength output change if the temperature of the sample changes?

4.    What kind of optical analyzer requires the addition of two chemical reagents to the sample before it enters the sample chamber?

5.    What are two types of analyzers, often used together, that use a photocell to measure solids in suspension?

6.    What is used mainly to measure one component in a gaseous process stream?

7.    What should you have running when you take grab samples for optical analyzer calibration?

8.    Why must the optical path of a gas analyzer be kept at a constant temperature?

9.    What is the most important caution when working with optical analyzers?

10. How can you detect instrument insensitivity caused by changes in temperature?

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