noun: collaboration; plural noun: collaborations

the action of working with someone to produce or create something.

(Or in this case help each other)

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Silly fun with the timers on garage door

Silly fun really
This enables the garage door to go back and forth between the switches without stopping


on Rung 003 above T4:0/TT  (xio) instruction will remain true as long as T4:0/TT from rung 001 remains false

Garage Door With 5 second timer (type in 50, but it means 5seconds)
So multiply any time you want by 10 to get the actual timing.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Batch Simulator From Lesson 5 Figured out FINALLY

When the start button is pressed pumps 1&2 energize until the Hi-Level switch turns them off. It is at this point that the Hi-Level Sw along with the thermostat turns on the Mixer and Heater which cut off when the thermostat reaches the setpoint. When the setpoint is reached on the thermostat and the Hi-level switch indicates that the tank is full these together energize pump 3 and pump 3 empties the tank and shuts off when the Low-Level Sw indicates that the tank is empty. All stop buttons turn off everything when the stop button is pressed The Idle, Run, and Full lights work

Monday, July 8, 2013

Garage Door Simulator: Motors, Lights, Limit switches

Garage Door Simulator

  • The Motor is prevented from burning up between the close and open buttons
  • While the motor runs up the down is prevented and vise versa
  • Motor up runs until limit switch1 at the top is closed
  • Motor down runs until limit switch2 at the bottom is Opened.
  • LS 2 Bottom is opened while LS1 at the top is closed making Ajar Lite output energize
  • when the LS2 bottom & LS1 top is open the Open light output energizes
  • when the LS2 Bottom is closed the shut light turns on 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Not figured out Batch simulator Lesson 5

Lights work
Pumps work
Level switches work
At this moment I have not figured out how to turn off the heater and mixer after they kick on from the level switch this picture is without the mixer and heater so I can contemplate how to address this problem on my own.

The tank is supposed to fill up then stop, while stop heat and mix until a desired setpoint heat is reached and then empty after. I should be able to stop at any time, but I cannot get my stop pushbutton to stop the heater and mixer once activated by the level switch

What I have so far

Monday, July 1, 2013

Batch Simulator Lesson 4

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Today the simulator has no lights or mixer to worry about.
Press the start button and the tank should fill up, but if you stop it and press the start button after that Pumps 1 and 2 should remain off and pump 3 should empty the tank

A fellow student figured this out before I left. I need to figure out how to do this without the Latch